My brother and I again. He used the Orbea 29r today while I rode the 26". He said it was much easier to ride than the 26" and he felt good sitting up higher. He tried a lot more logs and made it over a lot of stuff he got stuck on the previous week. Towards the end he was kicking my butt but I found out he was in the small chainring up front while I stayed in the middle 95% of the time. :) But at least he was using his brain and shifting when he needed to. He also shifted much better after I gave him some pointers on when to shift.
Looks like he might be riding much more. Next ride is going to be on the road. He's going to try using clipless pedals. This will be much easier for me since I won't have to keep swapping pedals. :)
If he keeps riding, a 29r might be in store for the future. :)


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